20 September 2008

Revisiting this ish

So, finally... I decide to update.

A few snippets of the past months...
  • I finished my junior year, and it was sad/happy/exciting/rewarding
  • I worked 40 hour weeks for the first time at the City of Portland Office of Sustainable Development
  • I traveled to San Diego, Seattle, and Vancouver BC
  • I hung out with my family a lot... my niece and nephews especially. Cute as always... but a handful
  • I attended LeaderShape, which was amazing, satisfying, and strengthened me as a person
I was recently forced to right why I do what I do, so I wanted to share it with ya'll...

My own education has led me to believe that the social injustices that occur within American society today can only be changed through positive social change created by leaders with integrity. As I began understanding the intricacies of injustice, I recognized that social equity is what I must strive for in order to produce effects that will affect the institutional hierarchies that perpetuate our American society. With this came the realization that my individual growth and opportunity to excel came out of my ability to learn, to create, and to understand concepts and ideas and how I am able to apply them to my life to help both myself and others. I do what I do to allow others to have this opportunity: to learn, grow, and have the ability to help themselves and others. In this world, injustices occur, and if we are to create an equitable society where we can all live with respect and dignity, we must understand that education in all its forms is a key component to eliminating the inequities and gaps that hinder personal and communal development.

When I first began understanding my own privilege, I situated it in the form of binaries. I am Asian American, not white. I am male, not female. I am queer, not straight. I am middle class, not lower class. But, as I complicated my comprehension of how intersectionality works and how my innate identity oppresses as well as is oppressed, I began to understand how institutional hierarchies perpetuated my beliefs on race, gender, sexuality, and all other forms of mainstream identity. Now, I challenge those beliefs, and I live accordingly. The spectrum of social justice has been broadened for me because of a recognition of a need to know who I am and how my personal identity has the possibility of creating coalitions with people different than me, thus working together to create positive social change. And this change is necessary. It is not only my future that depends on my ability to work with people, but the futures of those I work with and the futures of the lives we are able to affect through our work. My education led me to seeing the possibility of change I can create. I can affect whether or not we universalize health care. I can affect how we live in a healthy environment. I can affect our human rights. I can affect how many of my peers vote. I can even affect how I live my life day to day, knowing that each day counts towards making the changes I want to create.

I am a leader. My desire to create positive social change and my ability to see the injustices and act upon them proves this. Closing the educational gap encompasses how these social inequities are addressed by not only me, but by those I am able to educate, lead, and then follow towards a better future.

21 May 2008

It takes a thought to make a word...

It takes some words to make an action
It takes some work to make it work
It takes some good to make it hurt
It takes some bad for satisfaction

Yes We Can

Life is wonderful...

Thinkin about mixin those two for the spring reception. We'll see what I come up with. Inspired by MrazObama... gettin chills jus thinkin about it.

I got an internship with the Portland sector of the Office of Sustainability for this summer. It'll pay damn well, so I'm pretty stoked about that, but it'll also be an awesome opportunity to do somethin I'm not really familiar with: a) having a job and b) sustainability issues. Maybe I can really focus on Environmental Racism this summer and have that be the affiliated project I work on. Could be interesting. I'll let you all know more about the internship as I get more information.

But... that means I'll be in Portland this summer!

New list: Important things in my life...
1. Friends
2. Family (and this includes all my families...)
3. Social justice and social equity
4. My fish "Stick"

New track: *on feeling empowered*
Do you ever get that feeling? When you're motivated to do something because it means so much to you and you know that if you don't, you'll regret not doing it. I love that feeling. Especially when it's for the big things... fighting institutions. But even more so for the little things... stickin up for someone who doesn't have a voice. It all goes back to creating positive change. And having the passion to create it.
I hope I'm not all talk and no play. All words and no actions. But, instead, I'm work to make it work. To get to satisfaction. Because, yeah... sure, we can ;)

16 May 2008

Day one of a new blog.

I think it's because I'm avoiding the writing of zillions of essays before the term ends. I need some sort of outlet to be able to go to whenever I want to procrastinate. I'm pretty sure this is number 4 in my list of things to do when I don't want to do anything. It is as follows:

1. Facebook
2. Catch up on e-mails
3. Call people
4. This new blog
5. Watch online movies or Bleach
6. Read online news
7. Myspace

If you have any other good ways to procrastinate, please inform me so I can add to the list. Specific websites and other things would be helpful.

At the moment, I'm supposed to be writing an essay on critiquing an in-class presentation that I gave. The essay's relevance to my life is zero, but, alas, I find myself forced to perform busy work that I know I'll never benefit from in the long term. I had to watch a video of me actually giving the presentation, and it was super damn awkward. It's strange to watch yourself speak in front of a group of people. I would notice when I touched my face, looked up or down, said the word "umm" (I think only 3 times total for a 4 minute speech, not bad...)... all that little nit-picky stuff that you never think about when you're actually up there. But, yes... supposed to talk about that for about a page or page and a half.

New theme for this term: don't do any work.

Pretty much, I live the high life of just hangin out and enjoying the weather. Work only occurs out of necessity, and even that runs low these days.

Volleyball is my new life love.

So are jam sessions with other musically inclined folk.

AND... night life. As much as going out may be expensive... a couple drinks and a few hours of raunchy dancing have become priceless in my book. Why not, right?

So, that's been me recently. Just livin it up until summer hits me...

Oh yeah, Ashland this weekend and a couple Shakespeare plays. That is all.